Located at 4444 HWY 78 JULIAN on the creek where Fred Coleman discovered gold. Open year around
Field Trips
Julian Mining Company offers themed, costumed field trips featuring the 3-hour Gold Rush.
Prices reflect a minimum group size of 30. Smaller groups may also be accommodated/combined to existing dates in order to meet the minimum.

Finding the 'yeller stuff' is not as easy as one might think. Your group will employ several techniques used during the gold rush in your search to discover riches!

Panning or bowling for gold is a well-known way to separate heavy gold from the sands and gravels.
Prepare to get a little wet and dirty as you bucket water through the rockers also known as cradles.

In the dry diggin's the use of a shovel may help you find even more. Maybe you'll be lucky enough to discover Peg-leg Petes lost treasure!

The Sluice-Box or Long-Tom is a helpful and fun way to wash clean the sands revealing many beautiful finds.

Placer mining soon gave way to lode mining. Load up on our mine-tunnel train ride and make a loop through the hard rock tunnel.

Don't be fooled! Not all that glitters is gold. Learn to test your find's authenticity at a visit to the Assayer.

Gold Rush guests receive a small pouch for their finds. A short break is given at midday for those that bring a sack lunch. To accomodate larger groups of 100+ we may include additional activities such as tomahawk throwing and miner's laundry. Most field trips begin at 10:00 am and conclude at 1:00-1:30 pm but can be altered to suit your schedule for groups of 60 or more. A souvenir shop full of additional gems, toys, and home decor items is available for those that bring spending money. With advance notice we can allow field trip time for the shop introduced as Sam Brannan's Gold Rush lesson in economic Supply and Demand.
Cost is $18.50 per person for a minimum group size of 30.